We listened to what our clients have had to say about converting to salt chlorination, and we’d like to help provide clarification on some of the most common questions.

Many are skeptical of the salt chlorination “boom” that has taken over conversations at trade shows, HOA board rooms, and between pool-goers all over the state. The truth is, salt is a great alternative to liquid chlorine and chlorine erosion systems. There are many operational reasons we like salt chlorination systems, such as the ease at which chemistry levels are maintained in a salt pool due to the near neutral pH. Keeping the chemistry balanced prolongs the surface of your pool and helps to also keep the water crystal clear.

Why Auto Pilot Salt Chlorine?

1.     Increased pool ownership satisfaction:

  • Never buy, transport or store liquid chlorine again
  • Softer, silky feeling water – better on your skin and hair
  • No more red eyes – no staining of clothing
  • No chlorine odor
  • Solves most of your water chemistry problems
  • Sanitizes your pool everyday

2.    Protect your pool finish investment by:

  • Better water chemistry management – day in day out
  • No algae growth to stain your surface
  • Continuous super chlorination eliminates need for harsh chemical shocking
  • Produces close to neutral pH to prevent radical shifts in water balance

3.    Increase Safety:

  • ETL approved for swimming pool application
  • No handling or storage of harsh chlorine products
  • Continuous in-line super chlorination guarantees healthy water
  • No caustic by-products

4.    Pool maintenance benefits:

  • Operation – chemical regulation consistency
  • Economical to operate – less electricity usage than a 200 watt light
  • Water balance is more stable – virtually eliminates the need for super-chlorination, algaecides, and other support chemicals

Many of our clients have seen positive survey responses from pool members, regarding their recent conversion from liquid or stick chlorination to salt. In related member response, some pool members sought out the pool in which they are currently members simply based on the fact that the pool was operating with salt chlorination. So, next time someone brings up the question of whether or not a salt system is right for your pool, be sure to give Pool Professionals a call and we can consult with you and your members!